- Sunday, February 23 Slayer of Windmills meets the Devil at the Crossroads (Front Page Interviews, landscape painting, The ViewFinder)
- Saturday, October 5 Review of Our Kids Play Together: A Show of Paintings by Elise Schweitzer and Laura Vahlberg (landscape painting, Reviews)
- Monday, July 29 STANLEY LEWIS – TRADITION AND THE INDIVIDUAL TALENT (guest posts, landscape painting, Reviews, Uncategorized)
- Monday, July 15 Review of “CONVERSATIONS: 23 Interviews with Still Life Artists” by Zeuxis (Art Books, Great Reads, Reviews, still life)
- Tuesday, November 21 Interview with John Lee (2AfterLead, contemporary realism, interiors, still life)
- Thursday, November 9 Interview with Bruce Lieberman (2AfterLead, Figure Painting, landscape painting)
- Thursday, April 20 Interview with Adrianne Lobel (2AfterLead, abstract painting, landscape painting)
- Friday, March 17 Elizabeth Geiger’s, Borrowed Rhythms, at the Gross McCleaf (still life, video review, videos)
- Friday, March 17 Interview with Tony Serio (2AfterLead, cityscape painting, Figure Painting, landscape painting)
- Saturday, March 4 Robert Birmelin, John Thornton’s Video Interview and “Conversations with the Other” Exhibition (videos)
- Wednesday, January 11 A Conversation With Philip Geiger (2AfterLead, contemporary realism, Figure Painting, interiors, masters of perceptual painting)
- Wednesday, December 7 Sam Gilliam: Black and White Paintings 1975-1977 at David Kordansky Gallery (abstract painting, Reviews)
- Wednesday, October 5 The Art of Gregory Gillespie: In Conversation, Simon Dinnerstein and Peggy Gillespie (videos)
- Wednesday, October 5 Interview with Gerry Bergstein (2AfterLead, abstract painting, drawings, Front Page Interviews, Great Reads, notable painters)
- Thursday, September 22 Thoughts on Carolyn Pyfrom and Peter Van Dyck: Selected Paintings (At a Glance, cityscape painting, contemporary realism, Front Page Interviews, guest posts, interiors, Reviews, still life)
- Monday, August 29 Painters Paint Paintings: LA Version at the Nino Mier Gallery (California Painting, Reviews)
- Tuesday, July 19 Interview with Christopher W. Benson (abstract painting, contemporary realism, landscape painting)
- Tuesday, February 8 Interview with Kathleen Hall (2AfterLead, emerging new artists, portraits, still life)
- Thursday, January 13 Interview with Osnat Oliva (2AfterLead, drawings, emerging new artists, Featured Posts, still life)
- Tuesday, December 21 Interview with Francis Sills (2AfterLead, drawings, FP_Featured, landscape painting, still life)
- Friday, November 26 Seminar and new book on Walter Tandy Murch (Art Books, FP_Featured, Reviews, upcoming)
- Saturday, November 6 Visible Influence: Janet Niewald and Wilbur Niewald (contemporary realism, Featured Posts, Figure Painting, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters, still life)
- Thursday, September 2 Interview with Mathieu Weemaels (2AfterLead, contemporary realism, Figure Painting, interiors, pastel, still life)
- Sunday, August 22 A Conversation With Frank Galuszka (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, FP_Featured, Great Reads, guest posts, landscape painting)
- Thursday, July 22 Interview with Michael Sitaras (2AfterLead, contemporary realism, Figure Painting, guest posts, still life)
- Monday, July 19 Bernard Chaet: A Life in Art, 1997 (landscape painting, notable painters, The ViewFinder, videos)
- Saturday, July 10 Interview with Joe Landry (2AfterLead, cityscape painting, FP_Featured, interiors, sculpture)
- Friday, May 21 Interview with Mitchell Johnson (2AfterLead, abstract painting, cityscape painting, landscape painting)
- Saturday, February 27 Interview with Nancy Grimes (2AfterLead, Figure Painting, still life, Uncategorized)
- Wednesday, February 10 Todd Gordon on Painting Outdoors (2AfterLead, contemporary realism, landscape painting)
- Saturday, February 6 2018 Interview with Rackstraw Downes at Colby College (contemporary realism, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting, videos)
- Monday, January 11 Interview with Karen Kaapcke (2AfterLead, contemporary realism, Figure Painting, portraits)
- Sunday, January 3 MAKING POSSIBILITY WITHIN A TIME OF (SEEMING) IMPOSSIBILITY (2AfterLead, abstract painting, drawings, guest posts)
- Tuesday, October 6 Interview with Jeffrey Carr (2AfterLead, Figure Painting, landscape painting, still life)
- Saturday, May 30 Interview with Jessie Fisher (2AfterLead, contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, Front Page Interviews, still life)
- Monday, April 13 Interview with Bill Scott (2AfterLead, abstract painting, Featured Interviews, FP_Featured, notable painters)
- Thursday, December 12 Notes from a Workshop with Antonio Lopez Garcia (contemporary realism, guest posts, masters of perceptual painting)
- Sunday, July 7 Stanley Lewis Interview, Part Two (Featured Interviews, notable painters, Studio Visits)
- Sunday, May 12 Interview with Stanley Lewis – Part One (drawings, Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, masters of perceptual painting)
- Wednesday, May 8 Tenth Anniversary – My Upcoming Prince Street Gallery Show (abstract painting, Uncategorized)
- Monday, December 24 Personal Geometry: An Interview with Katy Schneider (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interiors)
- Tuesday, November 20 Interview with Gage Opdenbrouw (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, landscape painting)
- Tuesday, October 9 Interview with Carol Diamond (abstract painting, cityscape painting, Featured Interviews, interiors)
- Wednesday, September 5 Color and Process – Interview with Peri Schwartz (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, interiors, still life)
- Wednesday, August 22 Interview with Dean Fisher (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, landscape painting)
- Saturday, June 23 Interview with Mel Leipzig (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, notable painters)
- Sunday, June 10 Interview with Carol Heft (abstract painting, drawings, Featured Posts, landscape painting)
- Sunday, May 20 Interview with Beth Bernhardt (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, landscape painting)
- Sunday, April 22 Interview with Dan Gustin (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, landscape painting, notable painters, selectedPast)
- Thursday, April 5 Interview with Robert Birmelin (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, drawings, Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, notable archive selections)
- Monday, March 26 Aesthetic Charge: An Interview with David Stanger (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, landscape painting)
- Thursday, March 1 Exhibitionism: Art in an Era of Intolerance – talk with Lynne Munson and Hilton Kramer (videos)
- Thursday, January 18 A Durably Beautiful World: The Process and Vision of Scott Noel (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, Featured Posts, Figure Painting, guest posts, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Sunday, January 7 Watteau, The Thaw Collection of Master Drawings, and The Olde Formalism Ye Hardly Knewe (Featured Posts, guest posts, Reviews)
- Tuesday, December 19 Interview with Susannah Phillips (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, notable archive selections, still life)
- Monday, August 14 Shifting Semblances, An Interview with Tamie Beldue (contemporary realism, drawings, Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, Figure Painting, interiors)
- Friday, June 23 Stuart Shils, Part One – On Recent Work (Featured Interviews, FP_Featured, notable painters)
- Sunday, March 26 Interview with Richard Raiselis (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, FP_Featured, landscape painting)
- Tuesday, January 24 Interview with Susan Abbott (contemporary realism, FP_Featured, landscape painting)
- Saturday, January 7 Interview with Derek Buckner (cityscape painting, FP_Featured, landscape painting)
- Wednesday, November 23 Interview with Grant Drumheller (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, FP_Featured, landscape painting)
- Sunday, October 16 Wayne Art Center celebrates the nude figure with two exhibitions (The ViewFinder)
- Tuesday, September 20 Interview with Ying Li (Featured Interviews, landscape painting, notable painters)
- Wednesday, July 13 Interview with Chelsea James (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, landscape painting)
- Thursday, June 16 Interview with Charles Ritchie (drawings, Featured Interviews, interiors, watercolor)
- Monday, April 18 Michael Tompkins: Recent Paintings & Landscape Drawings (drawings, landscape painting, Reviews)
- Monday, March 28 Interview with Martha Armstrong (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, Great Reads, landscape painting, notable painters)
- Tuesday, March 8 Mel Leipzig: Everything is Paintable (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, video review)
- Tuesday, March 8 Interview with Barbara Kassel (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, selectedPast, still life)
- Monday, February 29 Interview with Connie Hayes (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, interviews, landscape painting)
- Sunday, February 28 Roni Taharlev – Virgins and Goldfinches, “Contemporary by Golconda” Tel-Aviv Exhibition. (Figure Painting, Reviews)
- Wednesday, February 24 Interview with Raymond Berry (A Question or Two, Featured Interviews, interviews, landscape painting)
- Thursday, January 21 Interview with Susan Lichtman (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, Figure Painting, Great Reads, interiors)
- Tuesday, January 12 Interview with Eve Mansdorf (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, Great Reads, interiors)
- Monday, December 14 The Observed Encounter: An Interview with Ellen Eagle (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interviews)
- Wednesday, December 2 Interview with Caren Canier (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, landscape painting)
- Thursday, October 15 Interview with Alan Feltus (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interiors)
- Sunday, September 20 Interview with Lani Irwin (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, notable painters)
- Thursday, June 11 Celia Reisman – California Paintings (cityscape painting, Featured Interviews, landscape painting)
- Monday, May 25 Interview with Julian Kreimer (cityscape painting, Featured Interviews, landscape painting)
- Wednesday, April 1 Conversation with Langdon Quin (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interviews, landscape painting, notable painters, still life)
- Monday, March 23 Interview with Christopher Chippendale (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, interviews, landscape painting)
- Thursday, March 5 Conversation with Lois Dodd (Featured Interviews, interviews, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting, notable archive selections, notable painters)
- Tuesday, February 10 Interview with Elizabeth O'Reilly (cityscape painting, Featured Interviews, watercolor)
- Monday, January 19 A Lineage of American Perceptual Painters, Two exhibitions (masters of perceptual painting, upcoming)
- Friday, January 9 Conversation with Margaret McCann (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, still life)
- Sunday, December 28 Apollo and Dionysus in the Representational Painting Family Feud (contemporary realism, guest posts, The ViewFinder)
- Friday, December 5 Interview with Ann Gale (Figure Painting, notable archive selections, notable painters)
- Monday, November 17 Lisa Breslow at Kathryn Markel Fine Arts (cityscape painting, Reviews, still life)
- Tuesday, November 4 The Vision and Art Project’s documentary on Lennart Anderson (guest posts, video review)
- Monday, October 20 Interview with Kyle Staver (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, notable painters)
- Friday, October 17 7th National Juried Show at Prince Street Gallery, Juror: Robert Berlind (upcoming)
- Friday, October 3 Intuition and Intention: An Interview with Elizabeth Wilson (Featured Interviews, landscape painting)
- Monday, September 22 Conversation with Lennart Anderson (Featured Interviews, Featured Posts, Great Reads, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Saturday, September 13 Interview with Anne Harris (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, notable painters)
- Monday, June 2 Legacy and Self-Determination: An Interview with Alexandra Tyng (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, interviews, landscape painting)
- Tuesday, May 13 Interview with Duane Keiser (Featured Interviews, interviews, notable painters, still life)
- Saturday, April 26 How Painting Can Help Save the World, Actually (Art Politics, Great Reads, guest posts, The ViewFinder)
- Thursday, April 17 Edward Hopper documentary with narration by Steve Martin (cityscape painting, videos)
- Tuesday, April 8 Ruth Miller Forge in conversation with Stuart Shils on Tilted-Arc (notable painters)
- Tuesday, March 18 Alberto Giacometti, "The more you fail, the more you succeed." (notable painters, video review)
- Saturday, March 8 TRAC2014: An Observational Painter goes Undercover…Or Not (Art Politics, contemporary realism)
- Saturday, February 15 Painters Looking at Paintings: Henri Matisse, Richard Diebenkorn, Wayne Thiebaud, and Robert Bechtle (videos)
- Sunday, February 2 Memory in Action: An Interview with Martin Campos (cityscape painting, Figure Painting, interviews)
- Friday, January 24 OBSERVATION AND INVENTION at the PAFA (contemporary realism, guest posts, notable painters)
- Wednesday, January 15 Interview with Vincent Desiderio (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, notable painters)
- Monday, December 16 Leon Kossoff: London Landscapes Affirmation in Truce (notable painters, Reviews)
- Tuesday, December 3 Interview with Diana Horowitz (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, Featured Interviews)
- Tuesday, November 26 New Edwin Dickinson Catalogue Raisonné at Edwin Dickinson.org (masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Thursday, November 14 Seeing Along the Periphery, Getting at the Essence (Featured Interviews, Great Reads, interviews, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Monday, October 14 "Patrick George – A Likeness" – DVD review (landscape painting, Reviews, Slade School, videos)
- Wednesday, October 9 A STUDIO VISIT WITH JANICE NOWINSKI (Figure Painting, still life, Studio Visits)
- Saturday, September 28 Interview with Jon Redmond (interiors, interviews, landscape painting, still life)
- Tuesday, August 6 Painting the Dramatic Moment: An Interview with Elise Schweitzer (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, interviews, landscape painting)
- Friday, August 2 The Perfect Squint: The Teaching Legacy of Edwin Dickinson – video lecture by John Leavey (masters of perceptual painting, videos)
- Friday, July 5 Impressionism, Fashion, and Modernity at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Great Reads, guest posts)
- Monday, June 17 Interview with Michael Tompkins (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, interviews, notable painters, still life, watercolor)
- Friday, May 24 Interview with Peri Schwartz (drawings, guest posts, interviews, still life, watercolor)
- Sunday, April 21 Pursuing Humanity: An Interview with Simon Dinnerstein (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, interviews, still life)
- Monday, April 15 Interview with John Dubrow (cityscape painting, guest posts, interviews, notable painters, Studio Visits)
- Friday, April 12 Catherine Murphy at Peter Freeman Inc, April 2013 (from Gorky's Granddaughter) (notable painters, videos)
- Friday, December 28 Interview with Sigal Tsabari (contemporary realism, drawings, Featured Interviews, interiors, landscape painting)
- Wednesday, November 28 The Civita Experience (Featured Posts, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting)
- Thursday, November 1 Interview with Christopher Gallego (contemporary realism, drawings, Featured Interviews, interiors)
- Saturday, October 13 Liminal Spaces: A Conversation with Daniel Sprick (Featured Interviews, interiors, still life)
- Monday, August 20 Interview with Harold Reddicliffe (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, still life)
- Thursday, July 5 Interview with Julyan Davis (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, landscape painting)
- Friday, June 22 Interview with Jordan Wolfson (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, landscape painting)
- Thursday, April 26 Planning for the JSS Master Workshop in Civita Castellana this summer (landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting)
- Wednesday, March 14 Interview with Tim Kennedy (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interviews, still life)
- Tuesday, January 31 Interview with Alex Kanevsky (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interiors, interviews)
- Tuesday, December 6 Interview with Yael Scalia (Featured Interviews, landscape painting, still life)
- Tuesday, November 29 Scott Noel: A Life in Paint (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, guest posts, still life, videos)
- Saturday, November 5 Nicole McCormick Santiago (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, interviews, still life)
- Monday, August 29 Interview with Ken Tighe (contemporary realism, interviews, landscape painting, still life)
- Thursday, July 14 Giorgio Morandi, The Essence of the Landscape (landscape painting, notable painters, videos)
- Wednesday, June 1 Fairfield Porter – "Mystery that is Essential to Reality" (Great Reads, masters of perceptual painting)
- Thursday, April 14 Interview with Stuart Shils – Monotypes and Photographs at Davis and Langdale (Featured Interviews)
- Monday, March 28 Michael Kareken – new drawing and TV interview (contemporary realism, drawings, interviews, videos)
- Monday, January 17 Lucian Freud: Portraits DVD and Book (Art Books, contemporary realism, notable painters, videos)
- Sunday, January 2 Inspirations for 2011 – Studio Visits with Wolf Kahn (landscape painting, notable painters)
- Thursday, December 2 Interview with Stuart Shils (cityscape painting, Featured Interviews, interviews, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Tuesday, November 30 Article/interview on the Huffington Post about Jerome Witkin (notable painters)
- Wednesday, November 24 JSS blog article on “Seymour Remenick, An Appreciation” by Stuart Shils (landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Thursday, November 4 Lennart Anderson Slide Talk Video (masters of perceptual painting, notable painters, still life, videos)
- Sunday, October 3 Euan Uglow (Figure Painting, Great Reads, guest posts, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters, Slade School)
- Friday, September 10 Slade School of Art, Part Two – William Coldstream (guest posts, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters, Slade School)
- Monday, September 6 The Slade School of Art – Part One (guest posts, notable painters, Slade School)
- Monday, August 23 YouTube Video of Antonio Lopez Garcia painting in Madrid – Aug 2010 (cityscape painting, videos)
- Thursday, June 17 An Interview with David Kassan (contemporary realism, drawings, Figure Painting, interviews)
- Saturday, May 29 Oil and Water at Fred Bancroft and Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects (guest posts, notable painters)
- Friday, May 14 Jerome Witkin (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interviews, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Wednesday, May 5 Bill Murphy (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, drawings, landscape painting)
- Wednesday, April 21 Interview with Gideon Bok (Featured Interviews, Figure Painting, interiors, interviews, notable painters)
- Sunday, April 11 More thoughts on new directions for Painting Perceptions (why painting perceptions)
- Tuesday, February 9 Langdon Quin at the University of New Hampshire's Museum of Art (interiors, landscape painting, still life)
- Thursday, January 14 Henry Finkelstein interview at the Jerusalem Studio School blog (interviews, landscape painting, notable painters)
- Thursday, December 24 Video interview with Michael Kareken (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, interviews, landscape painting, videos)
- Wednesday, December 16 Interview with Sangram Majumdar (Featured Interviews, interviews, masters of perceptual painting)
- Wednesday, December 16 Stuart Shils – video on making a monotype (masters of perceptual painting, videos)
- Monday, November 16 Philip Pearlstein (contemporary realism, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters)
- Monday, November 16 Antonio López García on YouTube (contemporary realism, masters of perceptual painting, notable painters, videos)
- Wednesday, October 28 Interview with Eric Aho – Part One (Featured Interviews, interviews, landscape painting)
- Monday, October 19 Interview with George Nick Part Six, On the Trojan Horse and thoughts on Teaching (contemporary realism, interiors, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, October 19 Interview with George Nick, Part Five, On Drawing (contemporary realism, interviews, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, October 19 Interview with George Nick Part Four, On Cezanne and color (contemporary realism, interviews, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, October 19 Interview with George Nick Part Three, On George Bellows (contemporary realism, interviews, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, October 19 Interview with George Nick, Part Two, On Fairfield Porter (contemporary realism, interviews, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, October 19 Interview with George Nick – Part One, On Edwin Dickinson (contemporary realism, Featured Interviews, Great Reads, interviews, masters of perceptual painting)
- Sunday, September 27 Seymour Remenick and Stuart Shils show at Steven Harvey Fine Art (cityscape painting, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, September 21 Diana Horowitz (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting)
- Sunday, August 23 John Gordon – On Direct Perception – Saving the Visual Arts Essay (why painting perceptions)
- Tuesday, August 11 Sketchbooks of Fairfield Porter Online (drawings, masters of perceptual painting)
- Wednesday, August 5 Select Edward Hopper Online Links (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, interiors, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting)
- Friday, July 24 Perceptual Painters Group (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, masters of perceptual painting)
- Tuesday, July 14 Philip Geiger (cityscape painting, contemporary realism, Figure Painting, interiors, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, April 27 Interview with Marc Dalessio (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting)
- Tuesday, April 21 All things Edwin Dickinson (Figure Painting, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting, why painting perceptions)
- Friday, April 10 Driving Notan with Alfred Leslie's 100 Views Along the Road (contemporary realism, Figure Painting)
- Monday, April 6 Eve Mansdorf (contemporary realism, Figure Painting, landscape painting, masters of perceptual painting)
- Monday, March 30 How Plein Air painting differs from Perceptual Painting (Art Politics, why painting perceptions)
- Monday, February 23 Michael Kareken – Recycles Masterly Painting (contemporary realism, landscape painting)