I’m planning on updating this blog in the next couple of weeks with new features, including a section on materials and technique as well as a section that discusses how perceptual painting relates to the art world at large as well as looking at art politics and theory. These articles will hopefully inspire vigorous debate and participation in the form of many people commenting and sharing experience and opinions to help build an online compendium of useful knowledge related to painting.
I also plan to include I’ve just added an event calendar where people can submit museum or gallery shows, workshops, lectures, etc that would be of interest to painters anywhere. The wordpress plugin for this event calendar has an impressive range of offerings so it has the potential to be very useful. I am constantly frustrated by finding out about great shows a couple of months after the fact. I will want to moderate this events calendar so that the listed events are spam-free, relevant and appropriate to our community. For now you can email me to suggest an event but very soon I will have a form on the Calendar page where you can submit the event to me to place.
Of course I’ll continue with my interviews from a wide range of painters from promising emerging artists to highly acclaimed painters showing in leading galleries. I have several fantastic painters I plan to be posting about very soon.
In order to help make this site continue to be a valuable resource for painters I am exploring new ways to generate revenue from this site like attracting relevant quality advertisers and more affiliate sales through art-book links to Amazon and some art supplies on Dick Blick. I will make a few changes and additional pages to promote this but the site will look basically the same.
I also plan to do a major revamp on the links to articles on this site to more easily find painters of interest as well as adding a separate page for external links to a wide range of painter and sites that would be of interest. Please excuse any weirdness on how this site might work while we make all these improvements to the site.
I’d love to hear any suggestions and comments people might have about how this site could be improved.
Your plans sound great. I use Amazon all the time as well as Jerry’s and other discount art supply places. I never thought about it before, but if it will bring you some money in I’m happy to “shop” through your links.
Larry, as one of your early supporter I am really happy the PP is evolving. Thank you for all the work you are putting in, PP has been a key element in my development as an artist, widening and deepening my knowledge of other artists’work and introducing me to new visions of painting which have definitely shaped mine.
Thanks to everyone with such encouraging and helpful comments here.
Ilaria, to hear that this site has helped you with your amazing paintings in some way means a great deal to me. Thank you.
Mark, I have considered a facebook presence but for the time being put it on hold. I just don’t have the time right now – I often have limited time for this blog and to add facebook in the mix seems daunting. However I know, for better or worse, facebook is the way of the world and it would probably help increase readership. I do follow Perceptual Painters on facebook, who has helped introduce me to some good painters.
Hillary and Kathy: thanks! I do hope my efforts to improve this site will make it more useful to readers as well as giving me an opportunity to make some money. Even a little money coming in will go a long way to keep this site going. Of course my work on this blog is a labor of love but often working on this blog competes with making a living – having some income from this site helps give it an edge. I will likely want to approach smaller, higher end venders like Vasari (perfect match imho) for advertising as well as the links to Dick Blick and Amazon. The event calendar I will hopefully put up today or tomorrow. I have a few interviews lined up that should be posted shortly as wel..
Keep up the good work…It’s amazing that this kind of painting has only one good resource on the web- Here! Have you considered a Facebook presence to promote viewership?
I love the site and it sounds like you will make it even better. You deserve to monetize it a bit with all the time and work you invest. It is the only one of it’s kind so keep up the good work. I have especially enjoyed the interviews, and having more book previews, technique and theory would be super.
Having the calendar for workshops and events is great. As far as art supply sponsors- always good- might want to add a few more- maybe Vasari and upscale paint makers, upscale equipment like judsons, guerilla, open box m , soltek,, other online art stores like cheap joes, art supply warehouse ASW….
Keep up the great work Larry! I always get a tinge of excitement when I see a new post of yours pop up on my Google homepage. Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to seeing what the future Painting Perceptions will bring
Your plans sound wonderful. I always enjoy your interviews, though I don’t often comment. I always look forward to your next post.
Larrry what dates are the paintings for Nicole Mc Cormick Santiago?
I would like to use them for my thesis…thanks, Jude
Sorry but you will need to ask her, I don’t know, the dates weren’t listed on her site, where you can find her contact info. She may see this and respond here however.