January 28 – February 27 2010
Coleman Bancroft LLC 35 East 67th Street, 4th flr NYC
Sorry but I have no detailed information on this upcoming show of Stuart Shils paintings. If you live nearby please check it out and let us know your thoughts. A website doesn’t yet seem available for this show. You can see Shils recent work on his website.
update: I just got a comment saying you can now see the paintings in this show from this link. Terrific show and great to see these larger images of Stuart Shils new work.
all the works in stuart’s exhibition are online at:
I just went to the show and have to say it was really wonderful. If anyone gets a chance to see it by all means do. The work reminds me of Dickenson’s premier coups and his drawings. Really wonderful stuff!
Neil, I agree about the Dickinson reminder but Shils premier coup paintings have their distinctive personality and don’t seem like Dickinson want-to-be’s. I envy your being able to see the show. I am in the process of getting ready to sign on the dotted line to go to a 2 or 4 week workshop in Italy this summer with him (and some others) at the JSS summer workshop. Details will be posted when I know more.
If you can’t make Italy he is also giving a workshop in June 13 (evening discussion) class: June 14-16th
Fee: $800 and another one September 24, 2010 (evening discussion) class: Sept. 25-27th Fee: $850 at the Three Pines studio 5959 W. Levering Rd. Cross Village, MI
Larry, I absolutely agree with you about the paintings not looking like Dickinson want-to-be’s. They have a similar mood and feel but are certainly their own strong paintings. Perhaps, it’s a sense of loose painting brought together with strong punches of reality. And his palette!! just awesome. I was with my 4 month old son so I couldn’t luxuriate as long as I would have liked. The paintings are even better in person. Sadly there is no catalog. In the next room, they had a painting by Shil’s mentor (whose name escapes me now) which was a very nice painting of a European city and there were two Corots from his trips to Italy (an extremely nice bonus). I really can’t gush enough about the paintings as they were really top notch.
The workshop sounds amazing – I love a lot of Herschberg’s work and being in Italy painting will be an absolute joy but as I have a 4 month old, it’s not in the cards for the near term. That part of Michigan is very lovely as well (I’m originally from Detroit and learned to ski near there as little boy staying one town over). But i’ll have to wait another year or two before i can start up on that sort of thing. I’m very envious of you!
Hi Larry – thought you might like to hear of our upcoming show here in San Diego.
Opening on March 5th 5pm, 402 Market street St, San Diego 92101 – The Brokers building in the upstairs gallery. We will also be having a closing on March 12th from 4-7pm