Today I plan to make live the new redesign for this site so I letting anyone visiting know that things may look a bit screwy until we get everything up and running – hopefully everything will go smoothly and we will have the new site showing as intended by the end of the day.
I think the new features, such as the discussion board and the ability for people to start their own discussions, post images and videos, and have their own page to show work, links, etc. will be a great way to build a community of people interested in perceptual painting.
Larry, sounds like it’s been a heck of a lot of work you. Thanks in advance.
fantastic! can’t wait to see the new site!
So far it looks great! I was wondering where you’d been … now i know. I’m currently working on a slight revamp of my own site so i know the amount of work you’re doing is probably massive. Thank you for your hard work!
Thanks Neil, I still have more I want to tweak but I’m glad most of the work is behind me. My wife, Liz, did a lot of the heavy lifting (programming) so a big thanks to her is in order.
The new design looks great! I like it a lot.
Thanks Katerina!