Self Portrait in Homburg Hat, 1947 oil on canvas 15 x 12 inches
image courtesy of Edwin Dickinson.org – Frances Dickinson Estate, This painting was never sold nor given away by ED and was only shown once in 1948
A new internet art treasure recently launched with the new Edwin Dickinson Catalogue Raisonné at Edwin Dickinson.org This site is a stunning gift and important new resource for the art community. The many great paintings and drawings (1201 listed in total) are an unparalleled source of inspiration and study for students and painters everywhere. Especially valuable are the works shown here for the first time online and that have been unavailable or very difficult to find. Many of the works are in higher resolutions that will be useful for closer studies. There are placeholders for his paintings where imagery is currently unavailable, hopefully it can inspire the owners of these paintings to submit the missing images to the website. There are also three essays written by his Wife, Daughter and Son-in-Law that are great reads.
from the website:
The information in this catalogue raisonné has been acquired and organized over fifteen years by Helen Dickinson Baldwin, an art historian and the daughter of the artist. Her primary sources have been more than sixty years of daily journals kept by her father and much of his large personal correspondence. In addition Mrs. Baldwin has collected an extensive library of publications; books, critical articles, exhibition catalogues, reviews and recorded interviews. Her work has been supported by her husband, by the artist’s widow Frances F. Dickinson, and by the artist’s son, Edwin Constant Dickinson.
The design and production of the catalogue in this electronic form has been a cooperative venture by Helen’s husband, Robert Baldwin, a designer, and Roger and Susannah Shepherd, the creative team at panOpticon who employed their technical expertise in producing the software and designing the website.
Edwin Dickinson was not only an important, major American painter but also one of the great teachers of painting. He would have been very pleased that this new site allows his work to continue to educate and inspire so many painters.
On my web-site there is a video of the teaching methods of Edwin Dickinson, the web-site is http://www.johnleavey.com
I was a student of Mr. Dickinson, at the Art Students League in 1957 58 &59 & was the monitor of the class for 2 years.
The reason that I made the Video was that the interview that i attended at Lennart Anderson’s in 1980, was not audible as the person doing the interview placed the recording device too far away to be successful.So at Minerva Duram’s studio we
recorded a video, this did not turn out ,so we did it again, and the results are what they are. I wish that they were better, but I think that to anyone intrested in Mr. Dickinson’s teaching, this video will be helpful. On my web-site it is om the upper with the title Lecture.
Best wishes
John Leavey
Thanks John. In case you didn’t know, I previously linked to your terrific video I also would encourage anyone to watch who hasn’t yet had the chance.
Dear Larry, Recently Minerva Durham at the Spring Studio contacted me telling me that one of my Edwin Dickinson videos , thought lost, was found, & she sent me 2 D.V.D.’s I do not have them on my web site, but if you are interested I could send a disc to you by U.S.mail as a friend made it possible to but on a single disc of the sort that one puts in a computer.I think that this is the more instructive disc somewhat more so than the one currently on my web site. Please
let me know & I will send you a copy if you wish.
John Leavey
Mr. Leavey
I am an architect in Denver and have discovered, in a dumpster, several paintings by Carol Cleworth. She was apparently a student of Edwin Dickinson and, as I’m certain you know, the subject of his last finished painting per my research.
I have searched for years for other information regarding Ms. Cleworth’s work and have many leads but no images of her other work nor much information about her career as an artist.
Given your time at the Art Students League I would like to know if you have any memory of Carol Cleworth.
Any information or impressions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I found your letter just this week about Edwin Dickinson and Carol Cleworth. Carol was my sister and a fine painter. Did you keep the paintings you found? She had many shows of her work but only a few sales as she concentrated on her work. Please contact me. Gloria Goodenough, gnjgood@sbcglobal.net
Dear Mr. Wise, I had written before to you about Carol Cleworth, I hope that you received it. However I have a photo from an Art Students catalogue showing Mr.Dickinson sitting with Carol leaning over pointing to her drawing. I made a copy of it ,If yousend me your mail address I will mail it to you. I don’t know how to do it except by U.S. Postage.My e-mail is
John Leavey
I would very much like to be able to get the Edwin Dickinson video. He was my first teacher for a few months be fore he retired from the ASL in New York.
Thank you,
Dear Caroll, I would be glad to mail(U.S. Mail) you a copy of the 2005 talk that was recently discovered, if you e-mail me your postal address. The other video is on my web site www. john leavey. com on the upper left corner called Lecture
& can be downloaded or viewed on my site, I think. But i will send you the new version, understand there are some things repeated & i have not found yet someone to edit them all, which I shall do in the future.
John Leavey
Dear carroll, I forgot to give my e-mail address in order for you to send me your U.S.Postal address. It is j.n.leavey @myfairpoint.net