A new documentary titled La polvere di Morandi will soon become available. Below are two trailers for “Giorgio Morandi’s Dust”, directed by Mario Chemello and produced by Imago Orbis (Bologna – Italy) in association with the Museum of Modern Art of Bologna. Music for the trailer composed by Paolo Ferrario.
A glimpse on the life of renowned Italian painter Giorgio Morandi, his still life paintings and landscapes as seen through the eyes of friends and critics.
Please visit the site lapolveredimorandi.com for more information – from what I could make out, a DVD should become available at some point soon.
The film will be shown at the big Morandi show in Brazil in Porto Alegre from November 30th, 2012 to February 24th, 2013.
Giorgio Morandi’s Dust – International Trailer w/English subs from Imago Orbis on Vimeo.
Below is a trailer for a previous documentary on Giorgio Morandi, “I Paesaggi Li Amavo Di Più ” – with some video footage of Morandi himself in this trailer.
I’ve been keeping and eye out for this DVD. Do you happen to have any more information about when it will be available? Thank you!